Step Into Stories
on 12 April 2025
With Bewdley Festival
- Info For Schools -

green book with footsteps going into the pages

We invite you to step into the wonderful world of stories with us on 12 April 2025.

Resources for your school are available further down the page.

Our one-day festival is packed full of some of the best authors, poets and storytellers in the children’s story world today. We have something for all children aged 0 – 16+, from picture books to poetry, detectives to inventors, story trains to story tellers and even a chance for over 16’s (including adults!) to learn a little about writing and telling stories for children.

We invite you to make a day of it and take part in our story tale trail and go home with a new book with our Big Bewdley Book Swap. We have a mixture of ticketed and free events so everyone can join in the fun.

We can’t wait to Step into Stories with you here in Bewdley, on April 13th, 2024.

Step Into Stories crowd Funder

This year, we’re launching Stories into Schools to ensure that every child, whether they can attend the festival or not, gets the chance to experience the magic of storytelling. But we need your help! As a charity, we rely on donations to bring authors into schools and make stories accessible to all. With your support, we can inspire a new generation of readers.

Donate today and help us turn the page on a brighter future for our children!

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Step into stories

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